Britain must remain part of EU, says EEF
The UK must remain part of the European Union with 'no ifs or buts', Britain's manufacturers have warned.

In an open letter to David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband, Terry Scuoler, chief executive of manufacturers' organisation EEF, said that Britain's membership of the EU was central to UK businesses and their investment plans in the short and long term.
The overwhelming majority (85%) of organisations surveyed by EEF said they would vote now to remain in the EU. A third said that if the UK was to leave the EU, they were less likely to increase investment in Britain. Two thirds indicated they would have to make significant changes to their business plans if the UK exits.
Scuoler urged party leaders not to gamble on the UK's future in Europe and stressed that membership of the EU was central to business growth and investment plans.
He also called on them to get behind a new deal on Europe, and to lead a debate where the focus is on Britain's economic potential. He said government should tie any new settlement on Europe into making the EU work better for growth.