Brunel launches research networks
Brunel University has announced that it has launched its first four Collaborative Research Networks (CRNs) on: ageing, complexity, energy and environmental sustainability, security, and human rights and the media

As well as coordinating activities within Brunel, the CRNs will actively pursue partnerships and collaborations with other universities, business and public sector organisations with common goals and interests.
Professor Geoff Rodgers, Pro Vice Chancellor (Research) at Brunel comments: “The objective of the Collaborative Research Networks is to hep Brunel engage with industry and the public in order to further research and knowledge transfer in areas of enormous global significance for the 21st century and beyond. They are designed to contribute to the international effort to secure advances in scholarship and understanding in science and technology”.
The CRN’s will build on existing interests across the University and bring together collaborative teams of researchers in areas where there are demonstrable research strengths, critical mass, leadership, and significant opportunities for external funding.