An innovative solution that is radically different from the existing options, e4life is a smart device that uses e4shield technology to neutralize airborne viruses, rendering them inactive. This technology, patented in Italy, uses no chemical agents or filters, but instead transmits electromagnetic waves to render the viral load in aerosols inactive.
The e4shield technology, which is at the heart of e4life, originated during the COVID-19 period from an initiative by a researcher at the ELT Group who explored the use of electromagnetic fields to render viruses inactive. Using research by Taiwanese scientists published in the scientific journal Nature as his starting point, he began to obtain his first results by testing different frequencies of electromagnetic waves, initially on COVID-19 and then on other coronaviruses.
“In terms of electricity, viruses are similar to a battery, with a positive charge inside them and a negative charge present on the shell of the outer surface. The unique e4shield technology subjects viruses to a precise oscillating electromagnetic field that resonates with the outer shell until it breaks. This renders the viruses completely inactive, so they are no longer infectious,” explains Vincenzo Pompa, CEO of e4life.
“e4life” has been launched under a joint venture between two global leaders: ELT Group, a world leader in electronic defense systems for over 70 years, and Lendlease, specializing in major urban regeneration projects.
Efficacy and certifications
e4life has proven efficacy of over 90% and its neutralizing effect is almost instantaneous. There is no need for the environment to be evacuated, because it is harmless to humans and animals. The electromagnetic impulses it uses are safe (with an intensity lower than that of an ordinary cell phone or WiFi device). That is true of both the environmental version of the device (e4ambient), which acts in an area of about 50 square meters, and in the wearable version (e4you), EC and SAR certified, which guarantees that the device can be worn for as long as wished, without any concerns for health.
The technology used in e4life devices has been subjected to rigorous scientific tests and has been validated by the Celio Military Hospital, the independent institute ViroStatics and by a recent study published by the European Society of Medicine (Source:, an association of doctors, researchers and professionals from all over the world, with the common aim of promoting health globally.
The e4shield technology has also been the subject of a recent battery of tests at the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences at the University of Milan (Italy): bioaerosol systems were recreated in a controlled laboratory environment where the SARS-CoV-2 virus and representative seasonal influenza viruses (H1N1) were exposed for the required time to radiation generated by a prototype e4shield device, which uses the SRET (Structure Resonant Energy Transfer) phenomenology. The results obtained confirm those from previous tests: an extraordinary efficacy of nearly 90%.
e4life is currently certified as effective against COVID-19, including variants, and seasonal influenza, but the technology is constantly evolving and can be adapted to an increasing number of viruses and, in the near future, to other micro-organisms too. Continuous scientific research will enable the devices to expand the number of types of pathogens that they can render inactive.
Electromagnetic waves neutralise airborne viruses
The e4shield technology, underpinning e4life devices, subjects viruses to a precise oscillating electromagnetic field that resonates with the outer shell until it breaks. This renders the viruses completely inactive, so they are no longer infectious.