Kimberly-Clark’s Onvation SmartFit: Revolutionising Waste Reduction

Personal-care products provider Kimberly Clark Professional has developed Onvation with SmartFit technology to help improve efficiency and reduce waste in restrooms.

Some toilet roll and a phone that has Kimberly-Clark’s Onvation SmartFit software on it
Some toilet roll and a phone that has Kimberly-Clark’s Onvation SmartFit software on it

The technology includes a small, internet-enabled sensor that fits inside paper towel and bath tissue dispensers that provides real-time data.

How Onvation SmartFit Technology Works 

This data helps commercial facility managers schedule janitorial staff more efficiently and reduce waste. The sensors track paper product levels and restroom traffic – eliminating guesswork for restroom staff. The sensors used Time of Flight Technology to measure product levels. Onvation works with a mobile app so staff know when they are needed to restock products.

Benefits of Onvation SmartFit Technology 

"Restrooms are one of the most scrutinized areas of any facility," said Susan Gambardella, president, Kimberly Clark Professional. "With Onvation SmartFit, we offer customers a valuable service bundle to enhance efficiency, prevent complaints, reduce waste and improve the guest experience."

Expansion of Onvation SmartFit Technology 

Onvation was already used in SCOTT towel and bath tissue and PURELL hand soap. SmartFit now expands the technology to a wider range of dispensers.