Manufacturing output goes from strength to strength
Manufacturing output increased by 0.4% in January 2014, with output rising in nine of the 13 manufacturing subsectors, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The increase reflects a rise of 3.3% in the overall manufacturing sector between January 2013 and January 2014, the highest increase since February 2011.
The biggest contributor to growth was the rubber and plastics industry, which increased by 6.2%. The next largest contributor was machinery and equipment, which increased by 5.2% month on month.
Lee Hopley, picutred, chief economist at EEF, said: "As a number of business surveys have so far suggested, manufacturing entered 2014 with a fair wind behind it with a majority of sub-sectors posting gains on the month.
"While the picture isn't universally positive, strength seen in sectors from machinery and transport to plastics and non-metallic minerals suggest there are a number of factors driving growth in the sector, including improving investment intentions and a brighter construction outlook."