Physical Digital is a 3D optical measurement company who use non-contact 3D scanning for reverse engineering, quality inspection and component testing. The company employs the use of GOM's ATOS Triple Scan which uses two 5, 8 or 16megapixel cameras with blue light technology to produce high accuracy measurements of complex components and works on objects with shiny surfaces or fine edges, such as turbine blades.
Using the ATOS Triple scan, Singer captured a high resolution scan of Lazarus' grandmother's wedding ring and analysed the size of the diamonds from the scan data. Using these dimensions and Spaceclaim 3D modelling software a new engagement ring was designed.
The design was 3D printed and subsequently cast in platinum. The new ring has been sent to a local jeweller to be polished and have the stones set. The result will be a unique combination of Singer's personal design and his Lazarus' family diamonds, brought together by the latest technology.