Task groups to solve materials problems for the energy industries
Task groups have now been set up in four sectors to improve profitability in the UK Materials supply chain where it pertains to energy needs in the UK.
At a “Town Meeting” at the DTI, CEO of Materials UK Dr David Bott said that the materials sector in the UK amounted to a turnover of £200 billion, more than 15% of GDP, and employed 1.5 million people directly and 4 million in supporting and related industries. Despite all efforts, “Coal to electric light is only about 3% efficient and we have used more of the earth’s resources since 1950 than in all of history prior to that date.”
Derek Allen of Alstom Power and co-chairman of the Energy Working Group said that “Energy materials R&D in the UK is uncoordinated and inadequately funded” and saw the task as the “Setting up of a coordinated user group that can influence the Technology Strategy Board, EPSRC and the EC’s FP7 programmes.” Four task groups were proposed to address problems in fossil and nuclear power generation; alternative energy supplies; energy transmission, distribution and storage; and energy conservation. Support for the idea was endorsed by a unanimous show of hands and the afternoon was occupied with lively discussions about the problems faced in the different sectors and what needs to be done to address them.
It was emphasized that the Group is owned and run by its members, although the secretariat will be supplied by the DTI. Inaugural members of the Advisory Committee include: Alstom, EON UK, Johnson Matthey, UKAEA, Siemens, Pilkington, Mitsui Babcock, British Energy, BP, Rolls Royce, BNFL, Alcan, Qinetiq, NPL, Manchester University, TWI, Oxford University, DTI, Imperial College, Cranfield University, EPSRC and EMDA. Co-chairs are Derek Allen and Steve Garwood from Rolls Royce.
More information from Materials for Energy Group