UK robot sales up 65% on 2009
UK sales of robots for 2010 are up 65% on 2009 figures, according to the British Automation and Robot Association (BARA). This reverses the trend in robot sales which the UK has seen year on year since 2005.

An end of year robot sales comparison survey carried out by BARA, which is made up of 40 robotics and automation companies and includes all major UK robot suppliers, shows that the increase in sales was much higher than industry analysts initially predicted.
Mike Wilson, president of BARA, said the 2010 figures paint 'an optimistic picture' for robotics and automation. "Compared with 2006 figures, the food and drink industry is up by 228%, pharmaceutical, healthcare and medical has risen by 263%, and aerospace shows the biggest increase of all at 644%," Wilson noted. "We hope that these areas of growth can be attributed to an increase in robotics awareness within the UK market."
However, the survey also showed a decline in the automotive sector, having taken 35% of sales in 2010 compared with 48% in 2006. According to Wilson, the survey may indicate that SMEs have a lack of automation awareness. As a response to this, Bara is developing an awareness programme with a series of UK 'road shows' which will begin in March 2010. The scheme was an outcome from recommendations made in the recent Application of Automation in UK Manufacturing industry study. The study sought to establish why the UK lags behind the rest of the world in the adoption of automation and address the issues with an action plan of initiatives to stimulate growth.
"These regional events will provide manufacturers with an excellent source of information and knowhow so that they can overcome the obstacles suppressing their uptake of automation and consequently increase their competitive edge," said Wilson.