Webinar: The journey to zero emission road transport: Sustainability in the supply chain

Wednesday 21st September 2pm BST


Mobility is in the midst of the biggest transition since the introduction of the combustion engine in the early 20th century. The need for sustainable transport is as clear as it has ever been, but how are we performing against these requirements and what more needs to be done?

Both governments and markets need to come together to drive the agenda, and that includes the supply chain.

Come and learn about the state of the transition to zero emission transport, what more needs to be done to ensure we reach targets, and as a key supply chain partner learn about Essentra’s Sustainability programme, how we are implementing sustainable manufacturing as part of our contribution to the wider circular economy and supporting our customer’s sustainability goals.

What will delegates learn?

1. State of the transition to zero emission transport
2. What more is needed to achieve targets?
3. Essentra’s Sustainability programme and contribution to a Circular Economy
4. How Essentra is Working with our Customers to support their Sustainability goals
5. How Essentra is implementing Sustainable manufacturing processes and materials to produce more sustainable