Additive manufacturing is now a vital tool that supports and works in conjunction with traditional manufacturing methods to overcome shortcomings and help companies become leaner, digitise inventory and automate. Find out how additive manufacturing is helping organisations like yours become more agile and better able to cope with changing demand, shortages in the supply chain and more able to quickly meet custom orders.
During this webinar we will give a number of real-world use case examples from companies that have leveraged additive manufacturing to eliminate stock and provide parts on-demand from various industries including Aerospace, Defence, Rail, Automotive, Oil and Gas as well as more traditional mechanical and industrial engineering part manufacturers. We will also highlight how additive manufacturing has successfully enabled lean principles to be applied to tooling, jigs and fixtures, allowing higher levels of productivity and quality.
1. Novel trends in the manufacturing industry
2. Streamlining the supply chain using 3D Printing
3. Utilising Industry 4.0 and Additive Manufacturing in Your business
4. The future of automation and lean manufacturing
5. Real world case study examples
Design Online - Stratasys - June 30th
Novel Manufacturing Trends and 3D Printing within Industry 4.0
Wednesday, June 30, 2021 · 3:00 PM BST