Fastening & Assembly Solutions Exhibition
Discover ways to improve designs. Find immediate cost-reduction solutions. Better fastening and assembly is here!

RAF Museum Cosford, nr Wolverhampton 29th April 2009 10am to 3pm
The Fastening & Assembly Solutions Exhibition is the UK’s only dedicated fastening, adhesives and assembly event for manufacturing professionals. Here, in the professionally engineered environment of the Royal Air Force Museum at Cosford, near Wolverhampton, design engineers can discover how the latest innovations in fasteners, adhesives and fastening technology can open up new horizons across all material types, applications and industries.
Production engineering professionals can find ways of speeding up assembly processes, and manufacturing managers can see new ways of effecting immediate cost-reductions in their fastening and assembly processes.
The exhibition is organised by engineers for engineers, and enjoys a unique ambience that promotes innovation and discussion. The Organisers provide free refreshments for visitors for the duration of their stay, and manufacturing professionals who pre-register in advance also benefit from a quality Complimentary Luncheon served between 12pm and 2pm.
Free parking (immediately adjacent to the hall), free entry to the RAF Museum, and free exhibition entry all add value to a visit by engineering professionals who are serious about improving designs and reducing costs.
A special (free) seminar takes place during the event entitled ‘Driving Vampire’ at which the designer, builder and drivers of the UK Land Speed Record holding jet cars ‘Vampire’ (as seen on BBC TV’s Top Gear programme) and ‘Split Second’ reveal the inside story about what it takes to run safely at more 300mph almost every weekend over a period of more than 25 years. The speakers will also tell how they designed and built ‘e=motion’, the UK’s first and only all-electric car to exceed 200mph which is now on display the national Motor Museum Beaulieu.
Organisers: NewbyCom Ltd
Tel 01844 202027