Wood and polymers are working together to bring new performance properties previously unavailable. Wood Plastic Composites (WPC) is well established in building products today with automotive being another pioneering market for these products. Beyond these two established markets, a myriad of industrial and consumer uses represent major emerging outlets for wood composites.
Heightened demand for these products is driven by greater durability, lower maintenance, lighter weight, and lower cost across all major applications. Further, new compounding technologies allow for thinner profiles needed for such uses as window lineals, expanding potential use of composites beyond thick profiles like decking.
Aim of the Workshop
The aim of this workshop is to showcase new developments in WPC technology identify key advances, and highlight technology gaps that require further research investment. Opportunities for technology transfer between application sectors will also be explored.
The workshop will be of interest to those involved in WPC research, manufacturers, component designers and end-user clients.
Call for Papers
Papers are invited on the subject of wood polymer composite materials. Themes include (but are not limited to):
• Material developments
• Processing innovation
• Performance in service
• New Applications
• Markets and opportunities
Please send a short abstract (250 words max) to claire.whysall@netcomposites.com outlining the key aspects of your presentation. There will be no requirement to prepare a full paper. Presentations (if accepted) should be given in PowerPoint and each timeslot will be 30 minutes.
Abstracts should be submitted by 17th June 2011.
The event will take place at the NetComposites offices in Chesterfield, UK at the address below.
For more information please contact Claire Whysall, Event and Network Coordinator
NetComposites Limited, 4A Broom Business Park, Bridge Way, Chesterfield, S41 9QG, UK
T: +44(0)1246 266244
F: +44(0)1246 266249
E: claire.whysall@netcomposites.com