Chemical Engineering for Other Engineers. 11–13 November 2014, Shipley, UK. Organised by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE).
A course designed for mechanical and other engineers working in the chemical and process industries, with a view to facilitating improved communication and understanding between engineering disciplines. It introduces some of the main subject areas involved in chemical engineering, which are not usually covered in other engineering fields.

This well-established course aims to provide mechanical and other engineers working in the chemical and process industries with an introduction to some of the main subject areas involved in chemical engineering, which are not normally included in other engineering disciplines. The course will broaden the technology base of participants to enable improved communication with chemical engineers. It may also provide the basis for a more detailed, in-depth study of chemical engineering.
Engineers who will benefit
• mechanical
• production
• control
• civil
• instrumentation
• electrical
• maintenance
• plant
• project
Course outline
• what is chemical engineering?
• material and energy balances
• reactor design
• basic mass transfer and mass transfer operations
– distillation
– gas absorption
– solvent extraction
• solids processing
• electrostatic ignition hazards in chemical operations
The course is delivered by a team of highly experienced team of chemical engineers, drawn from industry and academia and incorporates a mix of lectures and workshop sessions, to enhance the learning experience.
To find out more and to reserve your place visit Discounts are available to companies booking more than one place at a time.