Free injection moulding advice online
How can I design this part for injection moulding? What material would be best for this application? Is injection moulding the right process for what I need?

The Rutland Plastics website offers a wealth of information at your fingertips.
Under the Advice menu option there are a number of links.
Design Guidelines
There are several articles covering design guidelines from designing for strength and appearance, what to consider when designing ribs and bosses, through to cost considerations.
An extensive range of thermoplastic materials is covered with background information on properties, chemical resistance and typical applications.
Additives such as colours, fillers and antimicrobials are also covered.
Datasheets Explained
Within this section material datasheets are explained with measures such as tensile strength, impact strength, flammability and many more covered.
Moulding Processes
Follow this link to learn about different moulding methods, such as extrusion and vac forming with examples of typical applications.
Injection moulding is covered under the Moulding Explained main menu option. This includes articles explaining the injection moulding process along with the machine and mould tool.
Application Stories
As the title suggests, follow this link to find a number of specific articles about products manufactured by Rutland Plastics along with some more general articles on parts such as gears. This is an ideal way to learn more about what is possible with injection moulding.
Quick Navigation Pages
In addition, there is now a quicker way to navigate the site if you would like more information prior to making an enquiry. This provides links to the most relevant pages dependent upon the stage you are at. These can be accessed via the appropriate buttons at the side of every page:
Of course, Rutland Plastics' highly experienced technical team is here to answer your questions and there is always someone available at the end of the phone or ready to respond to your email.