High Pressure obtained from low pressure hydraulic power sources
Hydraulic pressure intensifiers from jbj Techniques Limited are reciprocating and automatically increase a supplied pressure to a higher end pressure. Pilot operated check valves can be built in to allow high pressure side to be relieved through the intensifier. These intensifiers can be installed in most existing as well as new hydraulic circuits.

Ideal for applications where space is of a premium, generating high pressure from low pressure sources with minimal effort and cost. The reciprocating design automatically increases pressure (dependant on ratio). Integrated high pressure valves simplify circuit design, increase functionality and flexibility of existing systems. Various mountings available including:- in-line, Cetop (NG6) and flange mounting. Compact design ensures easy installation in new and existing circuits. Double acting version for high flow requirements. Maximum pressures up to 2000 bar.
Special materials available suit a variety of applications. Compatible with the most aggressive of fluids (Water emulsions, phosphate esters, Skydrol etc). Wide range of applications including work holding, hydraulic tools, testing equipment, forklifts, hydraulic power packs, injection moulding, rotary and demolition tools, sub sea ROVs . . . .
Expand existing pressure range with minimum effort, minimum cost, maximum effect!
Contact jbj Techniques for further information
01737 767493