How can OEMs use customised controllers for competitive advantage?
In today's competitive market OEMs are constantly looking for ways to gain market share by delivering clear product differentiation. Improved product reliability and performance, energy-saving potential and ease-of-use of machinery can all be enhanced through the customisation of temperature control instrumentation.

Requirements for component customisation
Customised components require design, development, testing and production facilities operated by dedicated staff; these facilities may also have to be approved to industry standards all of which has historically made customisation an expensive choice only available to those with significantly large volume requirements.
How can OEMs attain customised components at an affordable cost?
OEMs can make customisation an affordable option by selecting a supplier with extensive experience in the component technology concerned. A supplier that manufactures both standard and customised products can offer an OEM previous blueprints as the starting point for their customised product, keeping the investment costs lower and reducing the minimum order quantity. Furthermore a supplier specialising in standard components will already have the facilities in place to ensure testing and compliance with industry standards.
What types of customisation should be considered for components?
Specialist suppliers will be able to use their expertise and application knowledge to help OEMs identify the best opportunities for adding value to their machines.
Options can include:
• aesthetics (branding, colours, fonts)
• functionality (enhanced menu options)
• ease-of-use (application specific menu options, pre-configured parameters)
• hardware and housing (better fit machine requirements)
It is important to select a partner that is aware of changing standards relating to your application and will help you avoid, for example, component obsolescence and the cost incurred when replacement components are required.
The customising of components is therefore not necessarily the expensive luxury it may once have appeared to be. Furthermore, if customisation can bring about clear and measurable benefits such as enhanced performance, increased energy efficiency and improved ease of use, increased revenues will follow.
Read the full whitepaper to learn how an OEM increased reliability and improved efficiencies for their laboratory oven with a customised temperature controller, resulting in improved oven performance, reduced energy consumption and greater ease of use.