Inspiration for future material selection and sourcing - Dr. Heiko Wildner, Chief operating officer, MatMatch

Digitisation has the potential to change the way people discover and use materials. Research from the Matmatch founding team showed that people currently tend to either stick to materials they already know or trawl Google for answers. So what role can digitisation play in changing this behaviour?

How can we encourage people to broaden their horizons and consider alternative materials? In this talk, Dr. Heiko Wildner of Matmatch presents a vision for the future of evaluating and sourcing of materials.


1. What research showed about the ways people select materials
2. How and why digital platforms can help inspire people to consider alternative materials, and not just stick to those they know
3. What data collected by Matmatch shows about current user behaviour on the platform
4. A vision for the future of material selection and sourcing

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