‘Why Adhesives?’ is presented by John Dubber, an expert in structural bonding.The seminar will demonstrate how design and manufacturing can be optimised by choosing adhesives instead of – or in combination with – traditional mechanical fastening methods.Case studies from across industry will illustrate the wide-ranging benefits.To join this seminar go to http://www.loctite.co.uk/why-adhesives-9980.htm
Bob Goss is the Henkel specialist in bonding engineering plastics, medical devices and small parts in general.His webinar will explain the virtues of instant adhesives and show how this technology continues to develop with the introduction of innovative products, such as LOCTITE® 4090, that has the speed of an instant but the strength of an epoxy.To join this seminar go to http://www.loctite.co.uk/instant-adhesives-9982.ht...
Both seminars are free and last for 45 minutes.There will be the opportunity for delegates to ask their own questions at the end of each session and everyone will receive a white paper as a follow-up to extend their knowledge of the topic.