Matching Reality Closer Than Ever
At Materialise we believe that every engineer should have easy access to design verification that truly matches reality. The closer your prototype resembles the final product, the better the products you'll finally bring to the market. Whether you need a high-quality prototype, low-volume production or want to pre-test a new product's success in the market, Vacuum Casting is an essential step in the product development cycle.

Bigger in So Many Ways!
Do you know that Materialise can cast parts up to 1900 x 900 x 750 mm? To obtain a quality casting everything starts with a high-quality master part, which will be quickly 3D Printed using our unique patented Mammoth Stereolithography technology. Then include our 70-people strong Vacuum Casting production team and you're assured that we always have a solution for your larger projects.
For Prototyping or Series Components?
Actually, we can do both! With more than 28 materials on offer, and a dedicated paint shop in our VC production unit, we can make prototypes or series parts with a quality and finish that can be used as final products — so you know exactly what to expect.
"The Materialise Vacuum Casting copies made testing easier and more reliable. They allowed people from various departments to actively participate in the product development process." Tamas Hegedus – Manager Project Purchasing Bosch Hungary
» More information on Vacuum Casting click here!
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Tel: 01142 541 249