Schaeffler presents solutions for the industrial production of green hydrogen

Schaeffler recently presented its innovations for the production of green hydrogen at the Connecting Green Hydrogen Europe trade fair in Madrid, Spain. The event brought together experts and decision-makers from the hydrogen industry to discuss the latest trends and technologies, with Schaeffler showcasing its new 1 MW Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolysis stack.

In Barneveld, Schaeffler set up an advanced factory for the production of so-called Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) electrolyzer stacks. This product - an electrochemical membrane module for the splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen - forms the 'heart' of a green electrolyzer installation and is an indispensable link in the development of the hydrogen economy.

"Our long-standing industrialization expertise helps us turn innovations into efficient series production, thereby contributing to the creation of the conditions and capabilities necessary for scaling up hydrogen technology," says Florian Windisch, Head of Business Unit Hydrogen Industrial at Schaeffler Bearings & Industrial Solutions.

Schaeffler’s PEM stacks, which feature a power rating of up to 1,000 kilo-watts and produce up to 500 kilogrammes of high-purity hydrogen per day, are currently being introduced to the market.

You can read more on Schaeffler’s innovations in green hydrogen by clicking here: