Walking therapy powered by DC motors
Lokomat, a new technology driven by maxon motor, radically improves therapy for people with paraplegia. The motorised orthoses have seen improvements in up to 50% of paralysis patients treated.

People suffering from paraplegia could soon find their prospects of walking radically improved thanks to a new technological gait therapy called Lokomat – driven by maxon motor.
Developed between Hocoma AG and Balgrist University Hospital, Lokomat therapy results from a greater understanding of motor learning in neurologically-impaired patients. The body is encouraged to learn new movements by training; a very high number of repetitions imitating the motion exactly.
Patients are supported by a harness and then guided by a pair of motorised orthoses, which walk at a steady pace on a treadmill.
Although the machine is taking most of the weight, the walking nevertheless feels extremely natural. The robotic legs – each housing a maxon RE 40 motor, gearhead and a brake – are synchronised to match the treadmill's motion with enough precision to challenge the patient's own legs without harming them.
Consequently, patients can train more precisely, for longer, than with traditional therapy techniques; and because only one therapist is required to work with the patient instead of two, hospitals are able to make twice as much therapy time available.
Results have been dramatic. As many as 25% of paraplegic patients can expect to benefit from the new technology. The improvement rate doubles again in cases of hemiplegia; conditions where one whole side of a patient's body is paralysed.
maxon senior sales engineer Ian Bell says: "The Lokomat is a stunning piece of engineering, and the fact that maxon motors, because of their reliability and sheer precision, now form an integral part of helping to rehabilitate so many disabled people is something that makes us all tremendously proud.
"maxon engineers worked closely with the design team over a number of months to specify a solution with exactly the right mix of dynamics and power density, and maximum service life. To see lives being changed as a result is truly touching."
The Lokomat is now being introduced to the global market, and appears likely to be adopted by a number of UK hospitals – the latest step in pushing forward the boundaries of medical technology.
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