When Lite pressure is the Right pressure
Some spring applications may require relatively low spring pressure across a larger surface area than most common compression springs can provide.
The Lee Spring Lite Pressure™ Series provides the flexibility to work with a light pressure stock spring while maintaining the appropriate scale at the spring surface area.

When the Right Pressure has to be 'Lite Pressure' from Lee Spring.
The term 'Lite Pressure' is used to describe a series of springs designed to be utilised where relatively low forces are required for a given diameter.
Typical applications for Lite Pressure™ springs are –
- Fluid power applications such as relief valves or pistons.
- Motor brushes, contacts, displays, syringes, toys, dispensers and many more.
The new Lee Spring Lite Pressure™ Series offers:
-Lower spring rate than standard compression springs over a wider surface area.
-Pressure ranges from 7 to 35 kpa at 7kpa increments.
-Stock springs available in a wide range of sizes and pressures.
-Made of Type 316 Stainless Steel.
-U-ltrasonic passivation for improved corrosion resistance.
Lee Spring has always offered springs with relatively low spring rates or workable loads. But often the offered diameters (inside or outside) were too small to accommodate the intended application assembly requirements.
This new Lite Pressure™ series has been developed so that, for a given length and diameter there would exist a series of springs that had lower spring rates or workable load ratings than what is currently offered by the existing compression springs.
Pressure is described as a force which is exerted over a surface area. With regards to compression springs, the pressure exerted as the result of a specific deflection can be more technically described as 'force over a flat surface with a circular perimeter (the nominal hole in which the spring is being used).
From 10 to 10 Million
Lee Spring has the capabilities to manufacture any spring quantity you need. From small orders through the largest production run, whether stock or custom - Lee Spring can do it!