Direct drive lifts and turns with speed
A new dual axis robot uses a direct drive unit to lift and pivot.

The unit has been developed by L-A-T Suhl, a company in the INA Group. Lifting range is 45mm and the unit can rotate through 360 deg. Accuracy is plusminus 5 microns, irrespective of whether a load has been applied. Response time is 170ms for a 45mm lifting or lowering and 160ms for a 180 deg pivoting angle. When used as a dual axis robot with a pivoting arm and gripper, cycle times of less than 1 second are seen as entirely realistic. The sequence might be: lower by 45mm, pick up part, lift by 45mm, turn through 180 deg, lower by 45mm, put the part down, lift by 45mm and return through 180 deg. In order that the parts are picked up and put down safely, an estimated 50ms is allocated in each case.
A linear KUME 12C recirculating ball bearing and guideway assembly is fitted for linear guidance and an SX 01 1814 crossed rolled bearing for turning movements. The bearing exhinits a radial running accuracy of 10 microns. More accurate designs are available on request for applications in the semiconductor, testing equipment and optical equipment industries. Lifting force is 250N. The maximum weight that should be lifted is 8kg. If required, the rotational axis can turn at 340 rpm when the maximum load permissible is 3.7kg. Torque is 26Nm, maximum acceleration is 11m/s2, and angular acceleration is 350rad/s2.
The device can be operated either by a complete positioning and process control system with an RS232 inteface and 16 optically decoupled I/Os or by a servo output transformer with a {{pminus}}10V nominal specification. TS
* The unit uses a direct drive electromechanical unit to lift and lower by 45mm and turn through 360 deg
* Response time is 170ms for a 45mm lifting or lowering and 160ms for a 180 deg pivoting angle
* Lifting force is 250N, maximum weight that should be lifted is 8kg. If required, the rotational axis can turn at 340 rpm but maximum load is then only 3.7kg