New facility to improve motorsport coatings
A new facility has been set up in the UK which focuses on providing motorsport manufacturers with improved coatings for components. Dean Palmer reports

A new facility has been set up in the UK which focuses on providing motorsport manufacturers with improved coatings for components. Dean Palmer reports
It was announced recently that a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) grant has been awarded to Cranfield University, which will enable the University to work with motorsport coatings specialist Balzers, the objective being to deliver an improved service to customers.
In return, Balzers will gain access to the surface engineering expertise and equipment at Cranfield, which in turn, will lead to better evaluation of coating performance and development of improved solutions for customers.
"This is a massive addition to our capabilities and should solve customer problems even more quickly than we've accomplished in the past," said Dr Andy Bloyce, Balzers' product manager component coatings. "The Award is timed to coincide with the opening of Balzers' dedicated motorsport facility at Milton Keynes, with the combined result being an improved offer on all levels."
The new facility will be dedicated to the motorsport industry. The facility was set up in direct response to Balzers' increased business from the motorsport sector within the UK and across Europe. As a supplier to factory teams and private drivers, manufacturers and suppliers, among Formula One, Indy Racing League, touring cars, NASCAR, World Rally Championship, truck racing, motorcycles, motocross or powerboat, Balzers said it was "confident that it now had the technology this sector required".
Bloyce continued: "In the last year or so, we've expanded our portfolio to include complementary technologies to the BALINIT PVD and PACVD coatings, and we're going to provide still more in the near future with important strategic alliances."
Balzers currently works as a partner of factory teams and private drivers, manufacturers and suppliers among Formula One, IRL, DTM, NASCAR, WRC, truck racing, motorcycles,