Various goods are transported at high speeds and with a high degree of variance, while being weighed and measured at the same time. The sensor technology identifies the goods with camera-based and laser-based code readers, while the volume is determined with laser scanners, light grids, and encoders. At the same time, an integrated weighing system determines the weight of the goods.
The intralogistics evaluation station, which is fitted with high-performance sensor technology from SICK, is used to generate object data from transported goods on a continual basis and to analyse it locally. If changes to this object data are detected, e.g., damage to a parcel, an alarm message is triggered automatically, including the transfer of all available status data.
The presentation of data at a local level can be condensed at system or factory level if necessary before being transferred to the cloud. The data delivered to the cloud by the sensors can be evaluated according to different user criteria. For example, apps can be developed which allow the end customers to track the individual goods during the transport process on their smartphones.
This enables performance and status control within a worldwide company/production network. The system allows local performance control in real time, cloud-based automation and optimisation of processes and new possibilities for evaluating and processing the centrally collected sensor data.