Autodesk Netfabb helps AM professionals move from CAD design to finished part efficiently. With its connected software for AM and design, Netfabb claims to provide insights for businesses to improve material selection, process simulation to validate build strategies, optimise designs and drive machines.
Key new features include cloud-based simulation, Simulation for Netfabb helps users to predict and adjust for deformation, allowing part designers and manufacturing engineers to optimise designs and reduce the number of iterations required for reliable build results.
Additionally, Netfabb now includes solid modelling and near-net shape planning capabilities based on Autodesk PowerShape technology. This hybrid manufacturing functionality allows users to keep models in solid form and take advantage of solid modelling tools aligned to CAM workflows. It also allows manufacturers to keep sight of the original solid model and track the near-net shape as it is built to allow for the subtractive processes. With better visibility of the original model and the near-net shape, Netfabb opens a connected workflow between build preparation and post-processing operations.
Autodesk is also open-sourcing the hardware specifications and the software required to create machines with collaborative 3D printing capability. By doing so, hardware vendors will be able to create multi-head printers that can print parts far faster than conventional single-head printers.