New threadlocking sticks from Loctite
The self-loosening of threaded fasteners is a leading cause of catastrophic failure in industrial machinery, so maintaining appropriate clamping forces is an important element in their effectiveness. Loctite anaerobic threadlockers from Henkel are designed to keep fasteners firmly in place and there is a wide range available for customers to choose from.

For applications where a liquid product may be too fluid to stay on the part or difficult to apply, Loctite 248 and 268 Sticks are a good choice.
The new Loctite 248 is the medium strength, single component product for threads up to M50 and Loctite 268, its high strength counterpart.
As with the Loctite liquid anaerobic adhesives, both Loctite 248 and 268 cure in the absence of air when confined between close fitting metal surfaces. The products are suitable for use on a variety of metal surfaces are also effective on passive substrates such as stainless steel.