What sets digiVIT apart from other digital inductive linear displacement sensors systems is that all set-up functions can be accessed through four pushbuttons on the front panel with no need for connection to a PC – making configuration faster and easier for position, vibration and proximity sensing applications that include parts sorting, process control, laboratory test, engine dynamics testing and condition monitoring.
The pushbutton guided set-up procedure can be configured for 2-, 6-, or 21-point linearity calibration. Pushbutton temperature compensation and zeroing is also provided via the four button keypad. All information is presented on a digital display that reveals percentage of full scale, or a choice of voltage or current output values. Analogue output options are selectable from 0 to 5Vdc, 0 to 10Vdc, ± 5Vdc, ±10Vdc, 4 to 20mA and 0 to 20mA.