Line scanning accessory for spot pyrometers

Fluke Process Instruments has introduced the SpotScan line scanning accessory for its range of spot pyrometers. Compatible with the Endurance, Marathon, and Modline 5 and Modline 7 Series of infrared (IR) noncontact temperature measurement sensors, the accessory is said to enable users to gather temperature data over a larger area on the target.

The SpotScan line scanning accessory is suitable for use in applications ranging from metals processing and induction heating, to carbon graphite production. It is said to be especially well-suited for web and conveyor hot spot or cold spot monitoring.

The SpotScan accessory is claimed to allow plant operators to employ signal conditioning sensor capabilities to obtain temperature information in a variety of different ways. For example, use of the ‘peak picker’ function helps identify hot spots over a larger area. The averaging/response time functions provide average temperature over an extended range. In either case, operators benefit from an expanded view and increased awareness of process conditions.

The SpotScan accessory is available with options for sighting the IR instrument and periodically checking sighting accuracy. Onboard controls make it easy to manipulate the end or centre positions of the scan, as well as its frequency. For sensors equipped with a laser, the user can simply turn the unit on to see exactly where the sensor is aimed. For units equipped with through-the-lens sighting, scanning at the end points can be stopped to make necessary aiming adjustments.

The SpotScan line scanning accessory’s IP65 enclosure is designed to withstand ambient temperatures up to 60°C, and an air purge option is available for use in dusty or dirty environments.