Nanotechnology oils shift to industry

Millers Oils is developing a range of low friction nanotechnology oils specifically designed for industrial applications

Originally developed for motorsport, Millers Oils’ nanotechnology product, called Nanodrive, has more recently been used widely in passenger cars, classic cars and in the commercial vehicle sector, reducing the friction between engine components and, in turn, improving component life, reducing wear and tear and boosting performance.

Millers Oils intends to take its nanotechnology expertise and apply it to industrial applications, specifically industrial gearboxes, compressors and hydraulics.

Martyn Mann, Technical Director at Millers Oils commented. “There is a longstanding product development path that leads straight from motorsport into industry and we believe that nanotechnology can make a similar leap. I can confirm that it is our intention to launch a Nanodrive-type product into industry in the near future once suitable real-world testing has taken place.”