British business doing well on value-added scoreboard
The latest Value Added figures from the DTI’s Value Added Scoreboard 2007 show the UK is ahead of all other European countries – including both Germany and France

These figures are based on the reported performances of the European top 750 companies in 24 countries and come as a result of steady growth over the last four years.
In the engineering sector, the finding is that across Europe, there are small improvements in automotive but engineering is moving ahead faster than last year – with those companies that invest in capital equipment and R&D doing better than average.
Porsche and Rolls Royce are both doing well with P2 figures – VA output for every £100 of input costs, employee plus depreciation – at 252% and 151% respectively. Both companies invest heavily in R&D and Capex.
Neil Carson, chief executive of Johnson Matthey, wrote in the report: “Technology is the key driver for all of Johnson Matthey’s businesses. We invest heavily in research and development and manufacturing technology to develop new products that differentiate us from our global competitors.”
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