As the world strives to reach new levels of productivity, it's not just the need for speed that is driving machine design but an awareness that aspects such as the size, mass and form of manufactured parts impact how the machine's axes of motion should behave and how well these motions are measured and verified.
Renishaw is at the forefront of these aspects of machine design both as supplier of position sensors as components to outside industries, but also as a consumer within our other product lines such as metrology, spectroscopy additive manufacturing – and miniaturisation affects them all.
For over 40 years, Aerotech has been applying the science of motion to the highest performance linear and rotary positioning stages to customers in industry, government, science and research institutions around the world.
A fine example of mechatronics, robotics and the integration of motion stages from Aerotech and others, is Renishaw's latest assembly cell for the ATOM™ incremental encoder system optical readhead.
The tour of this cell will be among the highlights of the seminar, as will the keynote address from visiting metrology expert, Professor Richard Leach, University of Nottingham.
What to expect on the day?
We aim to educate and entertain through a variety of seminar sessions, plus with practical demonstrations during coffee breaks in the extensive Renishaw Innovation Centre. With registration from 8.30 am, the seminars start at 9.30 am with presentations split into 4 main areas:
1. Brief introduction to Renishaw followed by the keynote metrology address
2. Exploration of the challenges of building systems which are smaller, faster and with better diagnostics
3. Motion stage design, common pitfalls and the benefits of latest position synchronisation techniques
4. lanning and execution of the fully automated ATOM encoder system readhead assembly cell and why robotics are employed
In the afternoon, attendees will be taken by coach to Renishaw's award-winning assembly facility a few miles away at Woodchester, for a closer look at one of the automated ATOM encoder system readhead cells, returning to the New Mills headquarters for conclusion of the day at 4 pm.
Who should attend?
- Machine builders or instrument makers looking beyond PID for the next motion challenge
- Scientists or researchers wanting to measure finer than a micron/arc-second
- Individuals curious to see our impressive facilities and diverse technology areas to see what can be applied from our experiences