New nano Motion Technology resource guide brings together Aerotech's nanometre level positioners and advanced motion controls
Aerotech's new nano Motion Technology brochure provides a complete resource for its recently launched ANT series nanopositioning mechanics and the advanced motion controls that together provide precise 'one nanometre at a time' resolution, high speed performance and exceptional positional accuracy.

The nano Motion Technology range has been introduced over the past several months and is now fully illustrated in the resource guide as a modular range of 95 mm and 130 mm wide ANT series nanopositioning components that include linear, rotary, and multi-axis positioning stages with single nanometre or sub-arc-second resolution. These stages are combined with highly advanced yet easy-to-use motion and machine controls for best-in-class performance that is characterised by extremely high positional accuracy and repeatability, fast high-throughput dynamic capacity for large loads, and long linear travel ranges from 25 to 160 millimetres or rotary travel ranges from 20 degrees to full rotation. The complete AnMT range has been developed to address the demands of the nanotechnology industries that require such high performance and precision to measure, manoeuvre, influence, and view nanometre-scale structures over large areas.
The new resource guide, available as a downloadable PDF from the website or as a hard copy printed booklet, covers 128 pages beginning with a detailed introduction to the advanced mechatronics technologies that are realised to produce the nanometre level positioning systems - materials, bearings, magnetics, feedback devices, electronics, software, motion controls, trajectory generation, system test and metrology. The White Paper style introduction will give the machine designer an appreciation of the different technologies that must be controlled and harnessed to achieve perfection.
All ANT series stages use Aerotech's highly advanced linear or rotary direct-drive technologies in combination with high speed and nanometre resolution non-contacting feedback technologies in advanced designs that include linear or rotary crossed roller bearing systems. The resulting cog free drive systems provide backlash free and ultra-smooth yet powerful motion when combined with Aerotech advanced motion controls. They also provide exceptionally long life, typically 30,000 hours MTBF, and with non contacting motors and position feedback devices, require very low maintenance.