New Approaches for Performance Definition of Composite Materials and Structures
The event, hosted by The British Society for Strain Measurement, will take place on 11 March 2010 at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington.

Seminar chairmen:
Professor Janice Barton - University of Southampton, UK
Professor Fabrice Pierron - Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Châlons en Champagne, France
Dr Jerry Lord - NPL, UK
Aims and scope:
The purpose of the seminar is to capture the current state of the art in the analysis of composite material behaviour and structural performance. The focus of the seminar is on novel experimental approaches that provide deeper insight into the material behaviour, with emphasis on full field approaches that allow a visualisation of damage evolution.
The seminar covers a range of scales from fibre fractures to global structural response. The speakers are from both academia and industry. In each presentation it is clearly demonstrated how the techniques can enhance understanding and address the challenges of design in composite materials. The presentations cover aspects that include model validation and the effect of high velocity loads such as those experienced under impact and blast conditions. Poster presentations are invited on topics relevant to the theme of the seminar.
There will be an exhibition of equipment related to those used in the presentations. The exhibition will provide interactive demonstrations of the techniques. Further to this there will be a short tour of the relevant facilities at NPL at the end of the day.
To register for the event or to download a pdf please click here.