MagNet for SolidWorks
Infolytica is the leading electromagnetic design software company since 1978, with tools allowing users to design basic, or highly complex electromechanical devices. Multi-physics and motion effects are included, plus an easy to use design program (MotorSolve) specifically for electrical machines. MagNet is also now available as an add-in for SolidWorks.

MagNet is a 2D/3D analysis package, with static and dynamic field modelling of magnetic fields, plus the effects of general motion (full 6-axis). As well as an Optimiser, there is built-in parameterisation to allow "what-if" calculations, plus full scripting. ElecNet is the equivalent package for 2D/3D electric field analysis. Automated coupling of MagNet and ElecNet to thermal analysis allows the affects of temperature to be included. As well as built-in circuit simulator, MagNet can also co-simulate with 3rd party software including Simulink and PSIM.
Models can be imported from CAD systems using a variety of CAD formats. Coil creation in 3D can be achieved using built-in facilities (such as the advanced Coil Modeller) or can be imported from 3rd party CAD systems.
Recently announced, MagNet for SolidWorks is the new embedded 3D electromagnetic field solver from Infolytica. Instead of using a live-link, or connecting two standalone tools, the simulation of any electromagnetic device can now be performed seamlessly within the integrated Solidworks environment using the new add-in.
MotorSolve is a specialised Design Tool for SRM, brushed and brushless DC, and Induction machines, aimed at designers who require answers quickly and accurately. There is a sizing feature (based on classical methods) to prepare an initial design, and adjustments later made using template data entry with accurate FEM then utilised. Custom Rotors and Stators can be imported as DXF files. Coil winding layouts can be created automatically, plus built-in tools for reporting and monitoring the design history. The integrated thermal modelling allows temperature effects and cooling strategies to be tested for BLDC and IM machines, all in a single package. MotorSolve is unique in combining all this in a single, easy to use, package.
For more information, and to download trial versions, visit our web pages: