Testing of pneumatic valves made easy
A unique new device has been developed that permits the independent testing of pneumatic actuators and process valves on live systems
. Fitted between the valve and actuator, when activated, Smith Flow Control’s ‘Easi-Test’ device allows independent testing and operation of the actuator or valve.
Until now, function testing of actuated valves while a process is live has been very difficult and normally involves the simultaneous operation of both the actuator and valve. The operation also required a mechanism to de-pressurise the actuator supply source.
Easi-Test overcomes these difficulties making independent testing of both de-clutchable and automatically clutchable valves a simple procedure. Operating Easi-Test involves the introduction of a lever tool which automatically disengages the actuator from the valve stem. The valve can then be operated like a traditional manual valve regardless of the position of the actuator or the live process condition.
When the valve is de-clutched, it can be locked in any position, allowing maintenance, function testing or changeout of the actuator without interrupting the process or compromising the process management system.
Removing the lever tool ensures the automatic re-engagement of the actuator and valve coupling when the actuator and valve next align – this either occurs automatically or on the next process trip. Throughout the procedure, the operator maintains full manual control of the valve and, while the lever tool is engaged, the valve cannot be operated remotely.
According to Smith Flow Control, the new device can easily be retrofitted and integrated into end-users’ existing process systems. The assembly mounting components are 316 stainless steel investment castings, profiled to adapt to standard ISO valve topworks. DP