Developments in Fibre Reinforced Polymer Strengthening Schemes
University of Bath, Tuesday 13th July

The aim of this event is to highlight recent developments in concepts, techniques and case studies in FRP (fibre reinforced polymer) strengthening schemes. It will be of benefit to researchers, engineers, architects, contractors, end users and manufacturers/material suppliers.
10:00 Registration
10:30 Welcome and Introduction
10:35 TR55 – Time for a Revision?
Antony Darby, University of Bath
11:05 Deep Embedment of FRP bars for the Sheer Strengthening of Concrete Members
Pierfrancesco Valerio, Highways Agency
11:35 Coffee
12:00 Size-Effect for FRP Confined Rectangular RC Columns
Rachel Coonan, University of Bath
12:30 Flexural and Shear Strengthening of a RC Beam with CFRP Sheets: A Case Study, Race Control Tower, Spain
Bladimir Octavio Osorio-Muñoz, Acciona Infraestructuras
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Basalt FRPs for Strengthening of RC Beams
Andreea Serbescu, University of Sheffield
14:30 Effects of Shear and Existing Crack Pattern on Bond Stress Concentration of RC Beams Retrofitted with NSMR FRPs
Van Hien Nguyen, University of Sheffield
15:00 Coffee
15:25 Formation of Cracks Delays Debonding
Mehdi Taher Khorramabadi, University of Cambridge
15:55 Life Extension of a Historic Bridge
Dr. Lee Canning, Mouchel
16:25 Close or optional tour of University of Bath facilities.
Registration and Fees
NGCC members and students (£50 ex VAT), non members (£150 ex VAT). Please click here for a registration form, download one from or request one from the organiser, Claire Whysall.