Practical Marketing & Publicity for SME Composite Businesses
Taking place on 16th March 2011 [9:15 am to 3.30pm], Chesterfield.

Aim of the Workshop
This workshop is primarily aimed at small to medium composite companies who do not have dedicated full time qualified marketing staff and with limited in-house marketing expertise. It aims to provide individuals who attend with a deeper understanding of what marketing is all about and how it can help a business to grow and be more profitable if done right. The course will explain how marketing is different from sales and will provide practical marketing methodology, tips and insights, which can be applied by any business to help it to sell more effectively, win more business and be more profitable.
Even the best product needs effective marketing to be successful. Marketing is a business investment to help create a sustainable business. Every successful company has marketing as an essential part of their business organisation and understands that it requires the right marketing skills, planning, analysis, budget and resource allocation to help it to succeed.
Who Should Attend?
SME owners/ Managing Directors, senior managers, commercial managers and anybody in a Composites SME with marketing decision making responsibilities as part of their role who is looking to improve their skills, confidence and understanding of marketing.
Workshop Scope
This one day course will provide a solid foundation and broad understanding of established marketing principals, planning techniques and approaches to ensure products are matched with the right market sectors and customers. It will also give an overview and explain the benefits of key communications tools used today such as: websites, e Marketing, social media and getting media coverage with press releases.
This practical workshop has been formulated to cover the key aspects of marketing which forward thinking composite business SME owners and senior managers should understand and be focussing: .
Topics Covered will include:
• Brief overview of marketing
• Marketing planning as part of you business plan
• Understanding market segmentation
• Products and branding
• Websites, eMarketing and social media
• Advertising, sales promotion and publicity
This workshop will be tutored by Nigel O'Dea BSc.(Hons) MCIM of Outsourcing B2B Marketing, a consultant specialising in industrial marketing. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and has worked for over 25 years in both sales and marketing senior management roles with major blue chip multinationals, including nine years working in the composites market for a resin supplier.
To register please go to